AI News

Controversial AI out of Russia

NtechLab, an AI startup out of Russia, is building an AI system which plans to use Machine Learning algorithms to detect and label the ethnicity of people that are run through its facial recognition software. According […]

AI News

What is

The Effect Network In the Artificial Intelligence industry, there’s a popular and logical sentiment that most of the industry’s resources are being monopolized by a few major players. As a result, the industry is moving […]

AI News

How is AI Involved in the White House?

Falling behind or fully behind? Even an arguably high level of doubt pushing its way towards the Trump Administration from diverse directions, it is actually possible that they’re doing one thing right. In what might be […]

AI News

What is SingularityNET?

Is the future of AI a future in which everyone has experience working with one? It could be, but it’s not quite evident yet. SingularityNET is one particular project that aims to democratize the relationship between […]

AI News

AI and Speech Recognition

Time for the robot uprising? One day, robots just might be thinking and acting on our level. Even though we are not there yet, current strides in the industry have been impressive, to say the least, […]