World War 3 Coming – The Weapons are Blockchain and AI

War with A.I. and Blockchain

World War 3 has already begun. And the key weapons in this war will be Blockchains and AIs.

By Robert Haddock, CEO and Founder, Neura Labs Corp.

People get ready. There’s a war a-coming.

World War 3 (WW3) will not be fought in the Ardennes. Or the beaches of Normandy. Or Khe San. Or Ramadi.

WW3 will be a virtual war. And it’s already begun. WW3 will be a war between independent thinking and mass dystopian manipulation of thoughts and feelings. It will be a war between Facts and Fakes. Between Trust, and Distrust.

Blockchains and dApps are our new hope for democracy. Blockchains offer a new form of governing, without politicians, and without borders, where we the people place our trust in blockchain technologies, dApps and consensus among machines to protect us from deception, fakery, and manipulation.

Both sides of this war will depend on AIs fighting on their behalf. Good AIs will detect fake content and data, and take actions to protect us. Bad AIs will generate fake content and data and take actions to harm us.

AI’s can now transform a photograph in seconds to make it look like artwork painted by the real Van Gogh. They can now create a TV ad where a “virtual” actor who looks like Ronald Reagan, talks like Ronald Reagan and has the mannerisms of Ronald Reagan, will try to convince you to buy a reverse mortgage, or a “satisfaction guaranteed” laxative or a make a con man politician seem trustworthy.
Good AIs and Bad AIs will make a line between what is real and beneficial, and what is fake and harmful, increasingly blurry.

The incredible sophistication of AIs in the future will make it increasingly difficult, or even impossible, for any of us humans individually to detect the difference between facts and fakes.

Our new shields in this war are cryptographic hashing algorithms. These algorithms, running on a massive number of distributed machines, make it exceptionally difficult to manipulate data, documents, and minds . . . today.

But let’s get real. In the grand scheme of human history, the euphoria engendered by our new blockchain hashing algorithms provide will later be seen as a fleeting phenomenon.

Unfortunately, with inevitable increases processing power and speed the algorithms we have today can and will be broken.

In the future, we will need more than one-factor cryptographic hashing algorithms. We need to plan now for Block Chain Version 2 that incorporates multi-factor trust algorithms. We need to create better algorithms that will detect attempted alterations to data and hundreds of other types of content, algorithms that will detect and alert us to harmful propaganda and algorithms that will detect people and AIs with dystopian motives, identify them and the methods they use to harm we the people.

People . . . and engineers . . . who care about truth and trust… .get ready. There’s a war a-coming.

Neura Labs is the creator of the first ever “Intelligent Internet,” a patented, secure “operating system” for the Internet that seamlessly integrates advanced AI technologies with a breakthrough interactive AR interface and secure real-time encrypted messaging. Neura’s “Intelligent Internet” will allow users to interact safely with anything they wish, in any way they wish, in one step, in real time. And its “ledger” of the panoply of 500+ types of individual human interactions (the most valuable knowledge in our universe) is private, not for sale, and block chain compatible.

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